WYSIWYG stands for "What you see is what you get". This means, what you write is how it is going to look like. This way our customers don't have to know HTML to style their text. We use a JavaScript library to initialize our WYSIWYG editors. But don't worry, we know you don't like JavaScript. That's why we've made a simple html helper which generates it for you. Ill come back to this later.

First of all, you'll need to have a textarea element. give it an id or a class, classes work great if you have multiple editors on 1 page.
OK. Great. you're almost done. We know you probably don't like JavaScript, that's why we've made a html helper to do the work for you.
Currently we've only included the HtmlHelpers in our Admin environment and in our My environment. But don't worry, we're planning on expanding this to all environments.

So, to use our html helper you'll have to navigate to [YourProjectName].HtmlHelpers.SummerNote.TextEditor() This method uses two parameters, but only the first one is always expected. The first parameter is a string with your CSS selector, for example #myTextarea. the second parameter wants an object which contain all kind of settings to turn off or on (true or false), more about this later.


If you do not wish to let the user to use some if our WYSIWYG editor features you can disable them really easy. You can include an object which is supposed to contain booleans to this method to disable one, a few or even all features. You can disable the following features: style, font, fontname, fontsize, color, para, height, table, insert, view, codeview and help.
For example:

@[YourProject].HtmlHelpers.SummerNote.TextEditor("myTextArea", new { fontsize = false });

This is how the textarea looks like with the fontsize disabled.